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Sentence Patterns - Exercise 1

Directions: Determine the sentence pattern for each sentence given below. Write the sentence pattern in the space provided below the sentence. When you have completed the exercise, click on "Check My Work" to see the correct answers.

Sentence pattern choices:
NP1 + V-be + ADV/TP     NP1 + V-int
NP1 + V-be + ADJ NP1 + V-tr + NP2
NP1 + V-be + NP1 NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + NP3
NP1 + LV + ADJ NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + ADJ
NP1 + LV + NP1 NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + NP2

1.  The coach will offer free tennis lessons today at noon.

2.  On Friday the judge gave the thief a five-year sentence.

3.  I will be at the meeting tonight.

4.  Most women consider Snodgrass a handsome man.

5.  Your approval would be nice.

6.  Masie and I talked on the telephone for four hours.

7.  The pie in the oven smells delicious.

8.  Jackson was the most competent man in the company.

9.  That young man will probably become a famous movie star.

10.  Jim found your remarks outrageous.

11.  Ethan gives us piano lessons each Friday.

12.  An inner circle of politicians made Matthews treasurer of the campaign.

13.  Children are often good judges of character.

14.  The farmer at the roadside stand gave me an extra ear of corn.

15.  We felt at home during our visit.



For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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